Sunday, January 1, 2012

C64 computer >Cynthcart -paint job and mods

This was supposed to be one small project but i couldn't find the time to finish it, and actually it's not so small after now it's still 90% finished. one day i'll finish it. yes.These are some great mods that adds another SID chip for stereo, some pots control for the filter, a filter feedback control, dyn-sync in and out (!) for syncing with old Roland gear , 2 types of video out, stereo out and more.the sound is awesome! check out bigmech page for more details
BTW Cynthcart is a special new software cart for the old commodore 64 computer, it's actually a monophonic synthesizer with analog filter using the unique SID sound engine of the original C64 sounds like nothing else, very dirty at times... 
the Cynthcart site : 

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